Photo by: Sage & Wild Co
This post is a pretty vulnerable one. I want you to know that I am a huge proponent of being real and authentic in hopes that it helps others to do the same. I express my faith beliefs here, but I want you to know, you don't have to believe the same thing for us to be friends. You are loved and accepted no matter what place you are coming from! :)
I went through a season of delay recently that made me question everything. I questioned whether I was good enough, I questioned if I was headed the right direction, questioned my voice & songwriting & wrestled with some major fear.
I got prayer from a few friends and told them that I was majorly wrestling with confidence & fear. That no matter how much I told myself or other people told me I was good enough, it never sunk in!
They prayed for me and one of my friends got a powerful word for me that I've held onto, moving into a very busy season. She said "I feel like God is saying that you see yourself as a Mouse but He sees you as a Lion!" Hearing those words resonated so deeply in my heart and I realized, I was looking for affirmations from other people, when really I needed to hear those things from GOD. To know that HE sees me as strong, capable, bold, and courageous. That even though I FEEL small and insignificant, it doesn't mean thats WHO I am.
I no longer walked into situations feeling insecure and small. I held my head high, knowing who I was. I had MANY situations to test this out and it wasn't fun, BUT in those moments when I was faced with something scary I heard the voice of God quietly but steadily say, "Remember Heather, You're a Lion, not a Mouse." What a reassurance! I know I can talk to anyone and be assured of who I am because of WHOSE I am.
All that being said... Since coming face to face with my identity, SO many things are opening up for me. Just go to my Tour Schedule Page & Video Page and you'll see!!
I think that God is very much about forming our character and Identity FIRST before He takes us into more, because He knows that if we have more first, we might not be ready for it! I am thankful I had that identity discovery before all I'm doing now because I would have felt very small and mousey heading into everything!
Want to see some cool things happening?!
I Just released a Single and Music Video for my song "Change Your Mind", a Song that I wrote for Blue Heart International, an Organization that is helping Victims of Human Trafficking right here in Sacramento! It was really cool teaming up with them on this song and video!
I also released another song about Motherhood called "Thrive". I made a super cute "day in the life" music video for it that follows me through daily life. It's not a professional music video but the sentiment remains the same!
You can find BOTH of those songs on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Napster, Amazon & more!
I also Started an amazing Songwriter event called the Sacramento Songwriter Circle! It's a live music event that happens the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at Fig Tree Coffee! Artists perform in the round and answer questions from the host! It's been amazing and it's really thriving.
On top of that, we started a songwriter only Meet Up that happens Once a Month too! It's an incredible opportunity to learn and grow as a songwriter as well as share your music!
We recently started The Songwriter Circle Podcast (it's on iTunes & SoundCloud!) that has all the interviews from the Sacramento Songwriter Circle event
In my Element at the Songwriter Meet Up!
Sacramento Songwriter Circle Event at Fig Tree Coffee!
I also had a great opportunity to play at the Calaveras County Fair with my friend Danielo!
Playing at the Calaveras County Fair!
I also have a BUNCH of cool events I'm Hosting and playing at coming up this and next week!
I have also been heading up Jesus Culture Sacramento's Kids Ministry Worship Team, Building teams and growing community! It's been incredible to be apart of. Seeing the kids engage with God through worship is soooo powerful and encouraging!
I've been playing at The Sacramento Library's all over Sacramento for their Children's Story times! I feel like I'm living my best life when I get to do these! The kids are the cutest and I've applied a lot of what I've learned from Kids Worship to Story Time! Plus, I get paid. BEST JOB EVER.
The last thing I've been doing is Guest Leading worship at different Churches in Sacramento and at Women's Conferences & special events! It's been really great connecting with other churches in the area!!
See???!! It's A LOT!! BUT the crazy thing is I am balancing it all really well and I am LOVING EVERY SECOND. If I'm not doing music, I feel like a shaken pop bottle! I could explode! But I'm doing exactly what I love and feel like I'm making a difference in people's lives young and old.
What every you do, do it with your whole heart. See the people in front of you and love on them well. Get over yourself and get over your FEAR, because more times than not WE are the ones getting in our own way!
Face your fears, deal with them head on, then GO AFTER YOUR DREAMS!