music licensing

Sync Conference Calendar 2025

It’s that time of year again! It’s time to drop the official DIY SYNC ARTIST Sync Conference Calendar for 2025!

If you are wanting to learn more about how to get your music in TV, Films and AD’s, jump on one of these conferences!

Not only will you learn about sync licensing, you will also meet key folks in the industry and hopefully create some lasting relationships!

I wrote a pretty extensive blog back in 2019 about Attending a Music Conference Like a Boss that will be helpful as you plan your next conference:

ALSO! I LOVE coaching with artists and helping them prepare for conferences! Schedule a call with me here:

With out further ado, here is the Sync Conference Calendar 2025!!!

Sync Conference Calendar 2024

UPDATED November 28th

If you are trying to get your music on TV Shows, Films and AD’s you NEED to attend a music conference!!! Not only will you meet like minded musicians and make some of your best friends for life….you’ll connect with the gatekeepers in the industry. You’ll get to pitch your music, meet industry professionals face to face and hopefully become a contact and resource for them for their future projects!

Every year I make a Calendar for myself to plan and keep track of all of the Sync Conferences coming up and make an effort to attend at least 2 to keep my connections strong.

**If you want to get prepared for your next Music Conference check out my IN DEPTH Attending a Music LIKE A BOSS Blog here: Attending a Music LIKE A BOSS


Here’s more details about the Sync Conferences! You can go to their individual websites for more info. Some dates are not added yet, but I guessed the month based on the following year! I’ll update things as they change.

Drill Down Level Up - First Note Entertainment

January 2024

Miramar Beach, Florida

Music Ally Connect 2024

January 22-23rd

London, England

Sync Summit 

Feb 5-7 

Los Angeles, CA

Durango Songwriters Expo 

Ventura, California  - Feb 8-10th

Music Placement Conference 

March 2024

North Carolina


March 17-20

Burbank, CA


March 18-16

Austin, Texas

Get Repped - 2indie

March 21 - 22


AD Sync Summit 

April 10-12

Hard Rock Hotel, NYC

WUP IT UP - What Up Pitches 

June 7th-8th - Chicago

 Hawai’i Songwriting Festival 

May 31st


ASCAP Experience 

June 2024

Los Angeles, CA 

Durango Songwriters Expo TV AND FILM (Audition)

May 16-18th

Ventura, California

Sync Con 

August 16-17th

Brooklyn, New York

CD Baby DIY Musician Conference

August 2024

Austin, Texas

Guild of Music Supervisors Conference - State of Music in Media

August 2024

Los Angeles, California

Durango Songwriters Expo 


Broomfield, Colorado

Nashville Film Festival - Music Program


Nashville, Tennessee

Supetacular - 2indie

Fall 2024


WUP IT UP - What Up Pitches 

October - LA

MONDO - The Business of Music

October 15-18, 2024

New York City

Production Music Conference

October 2024

Los Angeles, CA

Taxi Road Rally 

November 2024

Los Angeles, California

Shades of Sync - That Pitch

November 2024


Sync Con 

December 2024

Brooklyn, New York

If you need help planning your next Sync Conference, schedule a coaching call with here below!

The Monster on First Kill on Netflix

It happened again!! I got another KILLER placement! The Monster was just featured on Episode 8 of Netflix’s new vampire show “First Kill”.


Last year at Durango Film and TV I performed The Monster to a track for the first time. I was super nervous because I’d never performed to a track before. I did it though and I was proud of myself.

When I stepped off the stage a friend of mine said that she saw one of the music supervisors write down the name of my song. (interesting!)

I sent my follow-up emails after the event and started getting briefs from this specific music supervisor. Then, on Wed, Sep 8, 2021, I got an email asking for the Instrumentals and Stems for The Monster for a possible placement in her new show she was working on for Netflix. She said she’d been thinking about placing The Monster since she heard me perform it at Durango! So cool!

Then on Wednesday, February 16th, 2022 we got a quote request for the show! My team worked out all the paperwork and then we waited.

We got word that the show was coming out in June and the song was in the show and on the official playlist! It ended up being on the FINAL Episode, Episode 8 at 18 minutes into the show and used for 3:05 minutes! It was a HUGE placement and a key moment in the episode.

Because of the prominent placement, I’ve had a major uptick in streams and shazaams and people finding me on social media! It’s pretty exciting!

I wanted to share my journey because it shows that things DO NOT happen overnight. That you have to be patient and have perseverance in this business. ALSO to show up and be prepared for when the opportunities DO come! :)

Music on MTV's 16 and Pregnant


It finally happened!

I got an email from my music licensing rep that the MTV show, 16 and Pregnant is using "I"ll Stay With You", a song that me and Mike Meiers wrote together, in the Tuesday, April 6th Episode!! I can’t wait to see how they use the song in the episode! Music is like another character in the show. It sets the tone and the emotion for the scene.

If you’ve been following my journey you know that licensing my songs in TV Shows is a big focus for me. I’ve been building my catalog the past 2 years, working with a ton of talented producers, educating myself, going to music conferences, meeting music supervisors, connecting with people, pitching my songs at listening sessions, writing and releasing a song a month, promoting everything myself, sending out hundreds of emails and more… It’s hard some days to keep your eyes on the prize. It’s hard to know if all the time spent is one day going to pay off, but IT DOES!

One thing I’ve learned in this journey is you just have to keep going. Don’t worry about what other people are doing, keep your goals in front of you and chip away at them one thing at a time.

This is the 9th song I’ve had on a TV Show. It doesn’t seem like a lot, but for real, how many people do you know with songs on TV?!?! I’m celebrating the little wins along the way!

If you can, tune in to 16 and Pregnant on MTV Tuesday, April 6th!! Also, Check out I’ll Stay With You on all Streaming Platforms Here:

Thank you for being on this journey with me!!
Heather Evans

Attending a Music Conference LIKE A BOSS.

In 2019, I attended 3 super cool Music Conferences and gained a TON of knowledge about the current music industry, made incredible industry contacts and I even made some friends along the way. :)

The first conference I went to in 2019 was SYNCKEEPERS in LA and I was absolutely CLUELESS as to what I’d need and found myself STARVING because I didn’t want to leave to get lunch because I was busy meeting such amazing people! Plus my phone died halfway through a session and couldn’t charge it because I was in the middle of the row!

My second conference was the CD BABY DIY Musician Conference in Austin, Texas, and I wised up! I found a grocery store right when I got into town and stocked up on snacks and even packed lunch on a super busy day and saw that my friend had a portable battery charger! SO SMART!

My third conference was the TAXI ROAD RALLY in LA and let me tell you, I CONFERENCED LIKE A BOSS! I figured out all the tips and tricks and felt WAY more prepared and confident.

I’m going to the Durango Songwriters Expo on February 20th-22nd, and I’ve been thinking of all the things I did at the other conferences that made them successful! I hope that some of these tips help you with your music conference adventures!

Here we go…

1.) MOST IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER WHILE CONFERENCING: Be kind to every person you meet & be your authentic self!

Everywhere you go, every person you meet, whether it be the people checking you in, a panelist or a musician. BE KIND & BE AUTHENTIC.

You never know who you are sitting next to! I met so many people in the hallway, bathroom and EVEN AT DINNER that were industry professionals. I ended up sitting next to a Music Library owner and panelist one night at dinner and we were just chatting it up and he asked if he could listen to my music! I ended up getting his email and sent my music directly to him!! CRAZY!

Also, I think that people can sniff out the folks that are overselling themselves at these conferences. Don’t be too hungry or pushy. You’ve got to build relationships first, then share your music. Be authentic, don’t be sales-y!

2.) When you get the opportunity to share your music, BE READY.

Have EVERY form of media on hand in case you get a chance to share something. I carried around a Bluetooth Speaker (I have an Ultimate Ears Wonderboom that sounds fantastic) in my backpack and used it quite often! My friends even borrowed it from me a few times!

Also have a QR code linking to my Disco Playlist ON EVERYTHING (Business card, postcards, lyric sheets), Physical CD’s, A Dropbox link to your music (MAKE SURE IT’S WELL ORGANIZED), and a UNIQUE Thumb Drive. On my thumb drive, I attached a keychain with my name and Logo to make it stick out and it TOTALLY DID! It got picked for a listening panel because of its uniqueness and they commented on how great the branding was! I got the Key Chain with my logo on it on

2022 Update* I JUST went to a conference pitching music to music supervisors and on my postcards, I made in CANVA, I put a QR code with a Flowcode (free) that linked to my Disco Catalog of songs! I got a bunch of downloads right in the moment. I also put the code on my lyric sheets as well.

Below is an example of the front of the canva cards I made! (I crossed out the QR CODE) Also an example of the key chains I got on Zazzle!




Bring a refillable water bottle and every time you go to the bathroom, fill it up! I didn’t bring a reusable water bottle to the first conference and I felt soooo dehydrated by the end of the day.

My second conference, we found a grocery store right as we got in town and I got a bunch of hearty snacks that would carry me through the day. I got a black ICED coffee bottle at the grocery I could throw in my backpack to help give me some pep in the afternoon! The lines at the Starbucks were INSANE in the afternoon and you don’t want to miss a session just to get some coffee!

4.) Bring a Portable Charger Pack for your phone.

My second conference, my phone was dying midday!! LUCKILY my friend had a charger pack that I plugged into. I figured out QUICKLY, these are a MUST HAVE! You can get them for under $20 on


This one is funny but SO TRUE!! Bring gum, mints, even a small mouth wash because YOU’LL BE TALKING TO TONS OF PEOPLE!! I also packed deodorant in my backpack plus essential oils to stay pleasant-smelling throughout the day. hahaha!

6.) Have UNIQUE Business Cards or “One Sheets”.

I made my own “One Sheets” on and they are basically a postcard-sized website with a Photo, Website, social media, bio, and recent accomplishments. Lots of folks were impressed by it and I even saw a Music Supervisor post an Insta Story of all the business cards she got at the conference, and mine stuck out in the pile! :) Definitely have a smaller business card on hand too though!

PRO TIP Put a QR Code (I used Flow Code) on your business cards and postcards that link to a playlist or a place where they can listen to your music on the spot. Disco is great, because they can download your songs DIRECTLY into their library if they like what they hear.

If you are going to listening sessions sharing multiple songs, make a stellar lyric sheet in Canva and put a QR Code on it linking to the songs they are listening to.

Front of the card made with

back of the one sheet!

7.) Know why you’re going to the conference and have a clear vision of what you want to get out of it.

I went into the DIY MUSICIAN CONFERENCE with a clear vision of what I wanted to learn and anything that didn’t fit into that vision I didn’t invest in or go to. I had a laser focus to learn everything about SYNC Licensing and put all my effort into it and I learned a ton and even got to talk to all of the panelists and got their email addresses because I knew my goal!

8.) Bring a Backpack to put everything in!

I had a super cool leather backpack from Target that is trendy, but also fits a lot of stuff!

9.) Stay Healthy.

Bring Hand Sanitizer, bandaids, ibuprofen, eat healthily and TRY to get enough sleep. The days are LONG if there is an open mic night, choose one of the nights to stay out late and try to get to sleep early the rest of the time! (OR just drink lots of coffee!)

10.) Dress like an Artist.

Represent yourself well as an artist and dress how you would for a gig or photoshoot! Be professional and people will treat you that way.

I saw a few people dressed in sweats and comfy, which yeah, everyone wants to dress like that at a conference! BUT is that how you want industry professionals to view you? SHOW UP AND BE PROFESSIONAL!

11.) WAIT UNTIL AFTER listening sessions to give your card, music & talk to panelists and music professionals about your music.

Everyone else does NOT want you to high jack their collective time while you pitch yourself. There is usually a time limit they give you to present, so make sure you honor that!

12.) Receive the critiques, feedback & encouragement with GRACE.

Glean everything you need and realize that they are sharing their opinion. If they don’t like a certain part of the song, hear it with an outside view and ask yourself “is this helpful feedback or is it just their opinion?”. DO NOT DEFEND YOUR MUSIC IN THAT MOMENT. Take the feedback with professionalism and grace.

One critique I got from an AD agency mentor was one of my Women’s Empowerment type song was DEAD ON with the sound and lyrical content, but it was too slow to be used in an AD!!! I took that to heart and thought about how the next song I make could be more uptempo with the same feel.

13.) STAY AT THE HOTEL the conference is held in.

If you can afford it, I highly recommend you stay at the hotel. If you forgot something, want to take a midday nap, want to bring extra food for the hotel refrigerator or want to change or freshen up it’s sooo nice! Also, by staying at the Hotel you can bump into industry folks you met earlier in the day and create relationships with other musicians! I ended up doing a co-write with an artist in the lobby because of that! You never know what can happen and being at the hotel is a HUGE deal.

If you can’t afford a hotel, find an AIR BNB ultra-close and take an UBER to get to the hotel so you don’t have to find parking.

14.) Go with Friends!

Every conference I went to in 2019 I went with friends. Every time it was with 3-4 people.

#1 you can share travel expenses, share the hotel room or Air BnB, get food together and get an uber together. Everything gets cut in half when you do that!

#2 you have a safe place to go back to and can share information. In between sessions we’d meet up and talk about what we learned! I never felt scared or social anxiety because I had people I knew with me. We’d also divide and conquer and go to different sessions and share notes. We made friends easily because people would want to hang with us! :)


This is ultra important and most people get super overwhelmed when they come home, so they forget to do this. Keep track of all the business cards you get and either follow up that night, or when you go home after the conference. Keep note of people by writing on the card who they are and how you met. I even found folks on LINKED IN and friended them there.

LINKED IN is the BEST way to professionally connect with Music Supervisors or Music Industry Professionals at these sorts of things. Instagram is ok too sometimes! Especially if you a posting about someone on a panel. They appreciate having a memory of the moment!

I looked up one of my mentors on LINKED IN BEFORE meeting with him for my one on one session in the morning and messaged him saying I was looking forward to meeting with him! He totally messaged me back! Then after our session, I messaged him to say thank you. He ended up friending me on FB and we created a great relationship!

I also got to know one of my music supervisors on a panel that played one of my songs and we got to talk at an open mic I went to. That night, I followed her on Insta and we talk through Instagram!

It’s all about cultivating those relationships and being a good hang. DON’T PITCH to people unless they ask.

16.) Stay up on your social media at the conference.

I was posting regularly on my Instagram Stories about what was happening at the Conference and I got a TON of reposts by the conference. Through those reposts, artists at the Conference started connecting with me and I met up with a few people through it! The Conference will also be on a first-name basis with you and they really appreciate that you are sharing your experience with others. Think about not just yourself, but how you can help others.

17.) Get to know people.

Go out to lunch, have a drink or just hang with Musicians at the conference! One of the coolest things about these conferences is the sense of comradery. The fact that everyone in that room knows what it’s like to be a musician, you automatically have common ground with people. We hung out with so many cool people all over the world and if I ever go to Florida, Maine or Tennesse, I have friends I could team up with on a show. I can’t even tell you how valuable it is to be kind, welcoming, and have a friendly face. Many people are coming alone and when they find a group of kind, welcoming people they’ll want to hang with you!

18.) Realize Panelists and Music Industry folks are people too. This seems silly, but remember, Panelists, speakers, and mentors are coming alone, probably feel weird about talking to a bunch of people they don’t know, so be sensitive to that in your conversations! Also, don’t treat them differently just because they are someone “important”. They are just people! They can sense that inauthenticity a mile away. Be kind and be yourself!

At one conference we were all sitting around a table and a mentor would come to the table every 15 minutes and we’d get to ask them questions plus give them our music. Well, as the mentor would approach our table, no one was greeting them and you could tell the mentor felt AWKWARD! I ended up sensing that awkwardness and as a mentor would come to the table I’d greet them with “Welcome to Table Lucky 13!! We can’t wait to hear what you have to share with us! Tell us who you are and what you do..”. The mentor would smile and felt at ease that we weren’t super awkward! hahaha!

Also when you see an industry professional in the lobby or somewhere, be aware and respectful of their time. If you approach them, ask politely, “Do you have a moment to talk? If not I understand!” If they don’t let them go, but if they do, ask them about themselves FIRST! Have it be a conversation don’t just blitz them with your pitch. That’s ultra annoying. Ask them how they are enjoying the conference, where they are from and what they do. They will probably be aware of how to have a conversation and ask some questions about you too. :) Then you can answer but definitely keep the convo on them, not all about you. If you get an opportunity to share a card or get their email address go for it, but don’ t have it be the main point of your convo. You can follow up with an Email after your convo and it’s more helpful to have a face that goes with the name.


19.) LISTENING SESSIONS - What you need to be prepared.

If you are going to a music conference with Listening Sessions with Industry Professionals, here’s a few tips to help you stand out!


Don’t waste your precious time fumbling with your stuff, be ready and prepared!

Have a Dongle that connects to your phone or device just in case. Have your laptop to connect to the speakers and have various ways to listen, just in case the internet stinks!

Have your lyric sheets handy and ready to pass out!

Greet the Music Supervisors and thank them for their time. Have a BRIEF pitch ready. Tell them about who you are what you do as a musician and be relatable! Have a fun fact ready that helps them remember who you are.


A reel is usually a mix of different songs showing the best of the best of what you do. a typical reel is usually 3 minutes or so. I suggest doing a verse and chorus of a few songs! You can edit a reel together in Garage Band, Logic or whatever DAW you use.

Put the reel in Disco, make Cover art for it that you can link to : Here’s an example in REEL EXAMPLE IN DISCO

Also put the FULL versions of the songs in the reel playlist so they can listen later.

c.) Make Lyric Sheets

I made really professional lyric sheets with that had my bio on it and socials + my disco catalog linked with a QR Code.

Have the lyric sheet follow the lyrics in your reel.

Again receive feedback with grace. Say thank you for your time!

I hope this helps give you a game plan for your conference experience!! Please Comment Below if you have any other tips! I’d love to hear what you do to make your conference experience better!!

SYTYCD, Restoring the Honor, Megamorphosis Magazine & More!


SOOOOO I just heard my song on So You Think You Can Dance last night.... it's one of many things happening! Read on to hear more..

Man, the last few weeks have been some of the busiest I've had in months. I may have overbooked myself a tad, but it was REALLY neat to see the things I was doing make income for my family! 

In that time, our car broke down & we found a new house to move into that was going to be $100 extra a month. We looked at our budget and with the extra money I was bringing in with music we were able to get a new car + were able to get into the house we really wanted. I felt like I was contributing to our family in a REAL way. It's not just a hobby anymore, I'm officially making more than I made when I worked at Starbucks plus some!

All that being said, I feel like I've been in the "Toiling Season" where you are working REALLY hard to hopefully have a healthy thriving garden some day. It feels VERY hard some days with lots of sweat & tears and a tad overwhelming, but I'm starting to see some things break through to the surface and I know it wasn't for nothing!

One of the Cool things I've been up to is making a series of videos with my friend Danielo of Sage & Wild Co that are going to be released in October for Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month. We already shot video 1 for "Deeper Still" and it goes through the emotions of grief & it is powerful. You can watch the behind the scenes video below! We'll be recording the 2nd video sometime this month!

I also met with Megamorphosis Magazine a few months ago and shared my Story. They just released the Magazine and the Story turned out great! It truly goes along with the lyrics of my song in The Good Life "It's not been easy but it's a good life still." Life is NOT easy, but there is so much good intermixed in it! Check out the Article by clicking the link below.


My Filmmaker friend Stephen Wollwerth recently reached out to me about using my song 20 Years From Now in the most recent episode of his Show about Fathers called "Restoring the Honor" & of course I said yes! He interviewed his Step Father & it was powerful! I am so proud of him for creating a show like this! It's organically spreading on Facebook like crazy. People are definitely resonating with the show! You can check out the Episode Below, you'll hear the song at about 12:35. 


You ready to hear about SYTYCD?! When "The Life EP" was released last October, I sent out at least 1,000 emails. I was on the computer until late in the night and got an eye twitch from looking at the computer for so long. I did a ton of research on Music Licensing companies that place music in TV and Film & started contacting them. I heard back from 2. Well, 20 Years From Now was just placed in the 4th Episode of this seasons So You Think You Can Dance! I happened to be watching it last night with my family and saw it and we SCREAMED and went NUTS!! Such a cool moment!! Also, I'm grateful it was in such an inspirational story!

I've been praying about getting my songs on TV & Film again so this is a MAJOR answered prayer. I also got word another song was placed in another show, so I'll be finding out which one soon! Heres to many more placements! 

You can watch the clip with my song below! I think its about 30 sec into the clip.

Can't wait to see what happens next. 

Keep chasing those dreams friends! Don't just dream them up, but put legs to them. For every dreamer, there has to be a DOER. If you put in the hard work & PRAY A LOT, you just might see something grow. 

The Highs & The Lows.

The Highs & The Lows.jpg

These last few months have been a rollercoaster, full of high highs and low lows.

I released my 3 song EP called "The Life EP" on October 27th and it took sooo much to get everything in order to make it happen! This is the 4th project I've released on my own and I really went for it this time (and still going after it for that matter!)

Here's some of the High's:

- With the help of my friends Sara Castro, My husband Brett and my friend Elizabeth Hosford, I've been able to make custom merchandise pieces that I LOVE like coffee mugs, Coloring Pages, T-shirts and Water color Hand Lettered Lyric Art!

-I've played many awesome paying gigs and have made some really great connections and friends through them! The paying gigs have paid for things like my Coffee + Jesus Owl Mugs and T-shirts and a recording of a new song that has a LOT of promise!

-At those shows I sold out of physical Copies of Out of the Woods and Songs for Healing! I'm hoping to get more printed of those 2 CD's soon! The songs on those CD's are some of the "musical meat" that I usually play in my live shows.

-I signed with an awesome Music Licensing company that finds music for TV and Film with a possible Commercial spot in Europe for Mom Life in the works!!

-I released 2 Music Videos: Mom Life, which went semi-viral with 340 shares and over 38.4k views and a bunch of comments about how people are resonating with the song! Let me tell you, THAT MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME to know people are resonating with something I have written! Especially something as honest as Mom Life.

I also released The Good Life on Thanksgiving day and it turned out SO beautiful. The scenery and imagery captured the song really well and I felt super happy to be able to release it on Thanksgiving.

-I wrote an amazing follow up song to Mom Life, Called "Thrive" recorded it & made a "day in the life" video of it. Still finishing that one up and it should be released in January! I think this is one of my favorite songs that I've ever written and it's really raw and captures an emotional snapshot of where I am in my mom life right now. I'm really trying to find the balance between Surviving and THRIVING. It's not easy most days, but I'm figuring out it's just a season and I can make it!

-I emailed at least 1000+ music contacts and mom bloggers and got a few emails back! I heard back instantly from a few bigger Mom Bloggers and some smaller ones that Featured the Mom Life Music Video. I heard back from 2-3 music bloggers. It's hard to break in to the music blogging scene because they hear from so many people in a day, so to hear anything back is a miracle!

-I won the opportunity to play Mom Life for a professional songwriter and Music Publisher in Nashville and they loved it! The feedback from that session, REALLY got me thinking about the way I write and how I want to move forward in this business.

-I've bumped into people literally in the grocery store, on Instagram, at church or just friends who have told me how my music has resonated with them and it reminds me why I'm doing this.

-I recently met a guy working at Guitar Center that is a Recording Student and offered to give me a 4 hour session in the studio FOR FREE! It happens to be near San Fransisco and I scheduled it for a time when we are going to be in San Fransisco for a family trip anyways! Such a Devine moment because I've been wanting to record a specific song and get a more professional vocal on Thrive, the new song I'm working on!

The Lows seem dumb compared to all the good happening, but I think they are worth sharing.

As a creative it's SO EASY to be a perfectionist and get upset when things don't happen just the way we planned them. SO many things did not go as planned with this project, but in a strange way I think it was good for me! I had to Trust God in a way I never would have if things just worked perfectly.

I had little to no budget to work with on this EP and the fact that it was fully funded along the way is a MIRACLE. I couldn't have made that happen, in fact I tried to make it happen on my own so many times and FAILED MISERABLY. Yet these seemingly random opportunities would present themselves RIGHT at the moment I had need of them. I KNOW that isn't an accident! Just because all that breakthrough happened, doesn't mean it was easy to walk through though. I cried A LOT. I prayed A LOT. I questioned A LOT.

I currently find myself in the place of "What's next?". I released everything, now what? I don't want the buzz from this project to die off. I still want to make a music video for 20 Years From Now. I feel like there are more opportunities, but I don't know what door to knock on...

I just heard Eric Johnson say this quote at my church that I thought was perfect for where I find myself..

"When God closes one door He opens another, but it can be Hell in the hallway."

I am in the hallway, knocking on doors. I'm not where I'm supposed to be yet and it gets discouraging knocking on doors with no answer, but I've gotta keep trying.

I get choked up every. single. time. I sing a line in my new song Thrive that says:

"These dreams in my head, they seem too big, but I cannot give up on them yet.."

I can't give up. I want to give up. The discouragement swallows me up sometimes.. But I know these songs aren't just for me to sing to myself, but that they were given to me to give out, to encourage others where they are at.

So I combat the voices that tell me to quit. It's not easy, but it's so good. My faith is growing everyday and songs swell up in my heart in these moments and I know all the pain and wrestling isn't the end of the story.

The thing I'm realizing right now is how much God is working behind the scenes on my behalf. I wasn't aware of it for a long time and I think it sort of made me stressed out and made me think I had to make it all happen on my own. I'm realizing I don't have to be SO STRESSED OUT because I'm working hard, praying harder and HE'S working it all out behind the scenes. I can't even tell you how many times I've been on the other side of an impossible situation and thinking, "WOW. HOW DID I GET HERE AND HOW DID THAT EVEN HAPPEN?!?!" 

SO I'll TRUST even when I can't see. I won't let fear lead me, but FAITH. I'll Trust Him in the Highs and the Lows.